What is a Master’s Degree in Sports Management?
More Answers From Sports Management Professionals
Video Transcript
Host Question: What is a sports management’s master’s degree program like? What classes are you taking with that? How long does it last. And what careers or advantages does getting that master’s help you out with?
Guest Answer: That’s a two year program. At least that’s what it took me to get my master’s in sports management. And it was a lot of similar classes. But just with more in-depth in the bachelor’s, you kind of have the basics and then masters, you’re going to have more Lore and you’re going to have more finance and more of the operations knowledge and what you need to do in case you’re in charge or you’re an administrator. It was a good, intense two year program, a lot more writing and analysis type of thing, real world type of questions, project based learning type of thing and stuff. And so when I got my master’s, it really helped me get a foot in the door where there might be 80 applicants for a job. But immediately I’d go to the top of the heap because I had the master’s and I might have two years experience in some other field of sports that they liked. And so having that knowledge, they immediately thought, well, I think we can tackle x, y and z, at least get an interview.
Guest Answer: I’ve had a couple of friends that studied sports management in college with me in my undergrad bachelor’s degree that went on to do their master’s program. A lot of people find that they need a couple more years to figure out exactly what they want to do in the field and why not spend that learning more about the field? It can go anywhere from two to four years. I think more common is two years. And then after that kind of world, your oyster with that degree. I’ve seen people go on to be like assistant to the GM at bigger enterprises or coaches, right? For smaller teams where you just need to understand a little bit more of the business side of the degree before you go and are a higher functioning position in a company.
Guest Answer: If you want to level up in the sports business, then I highly recommend getting a master’s degree. That doesn’t mean that having a master’s degree is the be all, end all, because it really isn’t. And I think the perception out there is that if a particular candidate has an MBA, they have gained a higher level of experience, a higher level of hands on experience, but also a higher level of verbal communication, higher level of presentation skills that may or may not be true. But I think the perception from the folks on this side is that’s doing the hiring. I think is there I think an MBA or a master’s degree does give you a certain amount of gravitas that a bachelor’s may not. But it doesn’t mean that a bachelor’s degree is somehow a waste. Because it is it.
Guest Answer: I think the Masters program was much more intimate than any undergraduate degree may have. And again, I keep repeating myself, but when I was in class and 15 classmates and a professor, you really get to know those people in relationships and several of them. And I stay in touch almost a decade after I got the degree. And I think having those resources to call upon and a great deal of importance to me just as friends and consultants and just the sounding board for various ideas and so on. I’m in a unique situation. I was already in my career when I went back to my graduate program, so I don’t think that my careers due in large part because of my grad agreements, that we enhance the experience and that we may be a better staff member and a better.

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Sports management degree programs are offered at the Associate, Bachelors, Masters, PhD degree and Certificate levels. Offered in both campus and online formats, a degree in sports management prepares you for a wide array of careers on the business end of sports.